CHRISTIANS: Stand strong for freedom of religion and conscience

Day after day Christians across America are being pressured to close their windows and quietly observe their faith while their freedoms of conscience and religion are being threatened. 

But “such a time as this” presents a perfect time for Christians to stand, fling open their windows as Daniel did in Daniel 6:10, and serve proudly the true God of the universe, while praying to heal our country. 

Freedom of conscience and freedom of religion are increasingly becoming hot button topics across the United States, with Christians finding themselves in the cross fire as they stand for their faith with the other side crying discrimination.

Many of the freedom of religion and conscience issues specifically deal with whether Christians have a right to not take part in situations that involve same-sex ceremonies or activities, which goes against Christian’s Biblical definition of marriage.

In many cases, Christians are being fined or fired or made to be quiet. This is an infringement upon their first amendment rights, according to Nate Grasz, policy director for the Nebraska Family Alliance.


Nebraska Living Times

P.O. Box 751
Grant, NE 69140