Survey shows Christians are not spreading the Gospel; simple tips given on how to evangelize

A November 2017 survey conducted by American Culture and Faith Institute (ACFI) shows that only two out of every five Christ followers (39%) believe they should share the importance of reliance upon Christ with others. According to George Barna, the researcher of the survey and author who has been reporting on these trends for more than three decades, the church is partly to blame for this trend. 

“Fewer churches emphasize and equip people for evangelism these days, and the results are obvious and undeniable,” Barna said. “The implications of ignoring gospel outreach are enormous. All the ‘church growth’ strategies in the world cannot compensate for the absence of an authentic transmission of the good news of what Jesus Christ has done for humanity.”

Barna noted that the ACFI survey is consistent with the religious patterns he has been describing in his research since the early 1980s.

Tips on Sharing Christ

Below are just a few tips on how to witness for Christ in a lost world. 

• Wear Christian theme T-shirts, cross jewelry, or put Christian bumper stickers on your vehicle as conversation starters.

• Pass out Christian pamphlets, or tracts. Find out more at Tract League,

• Tell your testimony on how you overcame a particular sin or issue because of Christ in your life. 

•  Say Godly phrases when conversing with others. For example, instead of saying “I hope all is well” say “God bless you.”

• Play Christian music when you carpool, or when you are the driver on business trips.

• Let your friends and associates see God’s drastic transformation in your life, when they inquire how you’ve changed, talk about Jesus.

• Text your friend and associate a Bible verse to encourage them to overcome a problem they are going through.

• Share your faith on social media, such as Facebook.

• Invite your neighbors, or their children, to church or Sunday school.

• Pray for opportunities to share Christ.


Nebraska Living Times

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